Fixation is freeware and without warranty of any kind. Fixation may be used on as many Macintoshes as you like. Fixation may not be distributed for profit or placed onto any CD-ROM or DVD, except for backup purposes. Modified versions of Fixation may not be distributed without my written permission.
Fixation 2.0 includes built-in support for the Timestamp and Timeseal protocols. Timestamp is copyrighted by the Internet Chess Club (ICC). Timeseal is copyrighted by the Free Internet Chess Server (FICS).
If you would like to thank me for the effort I have put into Fixation 2.0, one way is to mention my handle "IceFog" if you register with the ICC. On the ICC registration form, where it asks you "How did you find ICC?", enter "IceFog". If you subsquently decide to pay the membership fee, I will then receive two free months on my membership -- this does not affect your membership in any way.
Changes in 2.0.4
• Fixed problem with "MenusLib" not found on Mac OS 8.1 or earlier when starting Fixation.
• Added piece palette for examine mode. To remove a piece from a square, hold the shift key while clicking the square. Alternatively, you can edit the position by entering the server's erase command (e.g. x@d4).
• Fixed local move validation for rooks.
• Move validation disabled for Losers, Giveway and Shatranj on ICC.
• Fixed problem where selected text in the Engine window could not be copied.
• Fixed problem where if you disconnected from one server type (e.g. ICC), opened the Connect to Server window, selected a different server type (e.g. FICS), clicked Cancel and then reconnected, it would fail.
The "Docs" folder contains the documentation, in HTML format. Open the folder and double-click the "fixation.html" file. This will open the index page in Netscape. If you prefer MS Internet Explorer, just drop the file onto the IE icon or open "fixation.html" within IE.
The documentation included in the distribution is a copy of the documentation available on my Fixation 2.0 web site at the following URL:
Fixation 2.0 also supports Balloon help for most of the menus and dialog windows.
System Requirements
Fixation 2.0 requires a Power Macintosh and System 7.5 or higher. If you want to run Fixation 2.0 under Mac OS X, you will need to have Mac OS 9.1 installed. Fixation also requires the Open Transport networking software. See the documentation for further information.
Upgrading from Fixation 1.x
If you have never run Fixation 2.0 before but are upgrading from Fixation 1.x, Fixation 2.0 will convert your 1.4 preferences to the 2.0 format when it is first run. Your 1.4 preferences file will not be modified. However, if you are upgrading from 1.3 or earlier, Fixation 2.0 will not be able to convert that version's preference file, but it will create a new 2.0 preferences file with defaults.
If you manually change your server prompt or set the "ptime" variable to 1, you will probably lose text coloring and game windows may not appear. See FAQ #14 in the documentation for further information on how to resolve this problem.
Mac OS X Compability
I have not personally run Fixation 2.0 under Mac OS X. However, I have been told that Fixation 2.0 runs fine when run in the Classic compability mode under Mac OS 9.1.
Fixation 2.0 is a "Classic" Macintosh application -- it does not yet support Carbon. I am currently carbonizing Fixation so it will run under Mac OS X without the need for "Classic" compatibility. The Carbon version of Fixation should be available by March 2002.
Fixation Discussion Group
Since August 1999, I have maintained a Fixation discussion group at, which was moved to in January 2001. I strongly encourage all users to become a member of this group. If you would like to become a member, either:
(1) goto and click the "Subscribe" link
(2) send an empty email message to: Follow the instructions in the email message that you receive.
I would like to give special thanks (in alphabetical order) to Robert Fowell, Laird Heal, William Johnston, Will Singleton and John Soran for their assistance with the development of Fixation 2.0.